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The 'Shroomy Secret to a Long Life
Meet ERGO.
It’s common knowledge that fungi are beneficial to human health in myriad ways, but what you may not know is mushrooms contain a rare amino acid that has been shown to prevent age-related chronic disease. In fact, the anti-inflammatory compound L-Ergothioneine (ERGO) is so effective at preserving good health over time that it is known colloquially as the “longevity vitamin.”
ERGO is found naturally in high concentrations in human blood, but its levels decrease with age, according to Robert Beelman, Emeritus Professor of Food Science at Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences. Those with age-related chronic disease, such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, have significantly lower ERGO levels than people of the same age who do not suffer from such illnesses. Researchers hypothesize that increasing ERGO levels may be beneficial in preventing disease, but since the body cannot produce this compound on its own, it must be obtained through diet.
“Fortunately, humans have a dedicated and highly-specific transport system for ERGO that pulls it from food into red blood cells as soon as it is consumed and distributes it all over the body,” says Beetleman. “ERGO tends to accumulate in tissues under the most oxidative stress, which is another indication of its importance in preventing chronic disease.”
ERGO is not so easy to consume, however. Though it’s found throughout the food chain in trace amounts, mushrooms are its leading dietary source. For this reason, Beetleman recommends eating three to four ounces of button mushrooms per day or a smaller amount—about one ounce—of ERGO-rich speciality mushrooms like shiitakes and oysters. If this seems like a lot of 'shrooms to stomach daily, ERGO is also available in supplement form. Shop it below to enjoy a longer, healthier life.