

Kells McPhillips

Jan 21, 2022


 Minute read

This 7-Step Disposables Detox is "Green Juice" For Your Home

You can *actually* do this cleanse.

In the "Before Times," January offered an opportunity to resolve to become your best self, for yourself. Now, amid a pandemic that has only temporarily overshadowed the still-ongoing climate crisis, it offers an opportunity to resolve to be your best self for the wider world. While averting the worst consequences of climate change is dependent upon significant legislation rather than individual action, that doesn’t mean your hands are tied when it comes to “saving the Earth.” One simple thing you can do is reduce demand for disposable everything by slowly unraveling your own reliance on it, improving your health and the health of the planet in the process.

Initially, the process of auditing your use of disposables may invoke shame—“OMG, I create so much waste”—but it’s not your fault that you’ve become addicted to convenience. “Lifestyles today tend to be filled with numerous tasks, most of which we leave unfinished, and big companies advertise that the answer is ‘disposable everything'," says LA-based organization aficionado, Jacqui Knapp. "[This is] seemingly the perfect solution for busy lives, but more buildup for the planet,”

In Knapp’s experience helping people condense, reorganize, and cleanse their homes, two rooms in the house produce the majority of waste. The first culprit is the kitchen, home of food waste, plastic wrap, and trash bag after trash bag. The bathroom is a close second. “There are so many products to choose from that I find many of us purchase more than we may need. Whether it’s keeping up with the latest trend or just trying to find the ‘perfect solution,’ this leads to clutter and ultimately more waste," says Knapp. "Personal grooming products and disposable face wipes all have to go somewhere when we are done with them—even if they go down the drain.”

To combat these pitfalls of capitalism, Knapp recommends researching eco-friendly alternatives to your usual go-to household items. “Finding products that are reusable and biodegradable with no-waste standards is easier than ever before," she says. "Read reviews and see what works for your home."

Better planning can help, too. For example, taking an inventory of what you already have before buying anything new will decrease your excess waste. “In my home we have ‘reset Sunday,’ which is when I take an hour to restock and refill everything for the week so that I have a clean slate and everything has its place—I don’t overbuy or overstock,” says Knapp. Checking in with your home each week will also remind you of how much sh*t—or, “stuff”—you already have to deal with and sometimes, that’s all the motivation you need to resist impulse purchasing that extra mascara you read an ode to online.

While Rome wasn’t built in a day (and they didn’t have to deal with plastic in the Eternal City), Knapp says you can make some sizable strides right now toward zero-waste living. Below, find seven tips—and a few product recs—to help you shrink your home’s environmental footprint.


7 Mini-Goals for Your (One Day) Zero-Waste Home

“I believe setting intentions is the best form of action,” says Knapp. “Go from room to room and take stock of what makes you uncomfortable. Then, for each area, make a list of small changes you’d like to make.” Once you have such a list (like the one below), tick off each task on a schedule that works for you—maybe it’s one a day, one a week, or one a month:


Identify which of your regular groceries come in single-use plastic and consider alternative options, such as unpackaged greens, avocados that aren’t bunched into netted bags, and bulk bin nuts, grains, and seeds. Invest in produce containers that’ll keep your fridge organized and your non-packaged roughage fresh as well as glass jars for storing those bulk bin items. If going entirely package-free all at once feels daunting, start with one product at a time.


Up your food storage game with reusable bags that you can easily throw into the dishwasher between uses.


Opt for washable “paper” towels that you’ll have for years instead of, like, three seconds.


Start composting to decrease food waste produced in your kitchen.


Clean up your laundry situation with a completely customizable, less wasteful approach to washing and drying your clothes. Bonus points for switching to all refillable cleaning products, including dish soap, hand soap, and household cleaners.


Make your beauty routine more beautiful for the planet with facial washing bars, biodegradable cotton swabs, no-plastic hair care, and forever razors.


Make a pact to entertain the eco-friendly way this year.

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5 mini-goals 
for your (one day) 
zero-waste home

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.